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Difficulties with Defense Cases

Kevin Phelps May 3, 2023

Any case in court will require some stressful problem-solving and procedural hoops to jump through. However, defense cases can involve some especially difficult issues. Being aware of these can help you prepare mentally and practically to overcome them if and when they happen!

Lack of Time or Resources

Prosecutors strike fast. They know that the less time between the crime and the court, the less time the defendant has to establish and develop their case which, obviously, benefits the prosecution’s case substantially. A lack of time also often translates to a lack of resources, as the defendant may not be able to access or track down valuable pieces of evidence or sources of help that would benefit their case. So, in case your preparation time is cut short for whatever reason, begin your preparation immediately after the act in question has occurred. Make note of everything, even the details you may find irrelevant. Collect witness statements, evidence of timelines, take pictures, and seek guidance and aid as fast as you can, so that you stay on top of your own case and are more prepared when the time to represent your side comes. 

Public Opinion

Because the defendant is accused of crime, that can (unfortunately) naturally and automatically decrease their reputation or appearance to the general public. The defendant may feel inclined to react indignantly to insist their innocence or encourage their perspective, or even discredit the accusation of the accuser (or the accusation itself). This, however, will likely not improve the social perception of the defendant. Instead, the defendant should make every effort to cooperate with the court, and to demonstrate their positive character. This quiet evidence of one’s maturity and self control will do a lot to support their case, and can make the legal authorities involved more confident or comfortable with the defendant’s perspective.

Wavering Court Timelines

Courts themselves can cause some frustrations for all sides of a court case. Their constantly fluctuating and unsure schedules can push court dates around often, prolonging cases or exacerbating problems with procedure. This is another reason acting quickly and approaching a case as prepared as possible will help defendants establish and complete proceedings before courts can throw their timeline for a loop. Beyond preparation, however, it is important to be patient and maintain control as defendants maneuver the court procedures. As frustrating as these circumstances can be, cooperation will only help keep control over the case.

If you are in need of a defense attorney to guide you through these difficulties, consult with David Clark Law today on how you can best prepare for your case.