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Dealing with Emotions Well when Facing Criminal Charges

Kevin Phelps Feb. 21, 2023

Facing criminal charges is not a typical struggle for most people. Because facing a criminal charge can seem so out of place, it may cause you to feel a lot of strong, negative emotions. These emotions are not very productive for preparing to face criminal charges in court or for keeping up good health. 

What You Might Feel

When you are first faced with criminal charges, you might feel angry—especially if the charges feel unjustified or uncalled for. You may also feel embarrassed and ashamed to tell close family and friends. You may worry about the implications criminal charges could have on your record and future job, schooling, or other opportunities. Additionally, you might start to feel very down on yourself. 

Why It's Important to Control Your Emotions

While emotions are an important part of life and processing the different situations you are put in, wallowing in negative ones can have very detrimental effects. Hyper-focusing on negative emotions surrounding your criminal charges will only amplify those feelings and lead to more serious depression, mood swings, and isolation from others. These negative emotions can take a huge toll on your physical and mental well-being, eventually affecting all areas of your life. Furthermore, having such negative emotions is not good when presenting yourself in court. Lashing out in court or being overly emotional can ruin your ethos and make it harder for others to judge you fairly. 

Reducing Stress

Preparing to face criminal charges can be a very stressful time because you are constantly worrying about your future. Stress amplifies negative emotions, so it is best to reduce stress as  much as possible when facing criminal charges. This does not mean that you shouldn’t put in any effort and expect a good outcome; rather, you should prepare well for positive outcomes. 

One of the best ways to reduce stress when facing criminal charges is to hire a criminal defense attorney. A criminal defense attorney can help you understand any confusing legal jargon and what exact charges you are facing. Furthermore, they have a lot of experience in court and can help present your case eloquently. When you hire a criminal defense attorney, your stress levels will lower dramatically. You will then have time to focus more on reducing other negative, harmful emotions as well. 

To see how other people feel about working with a reputable criminal defense attorney, check out Dave Clark Law
here today.